Customize Paper Lamp Shade

Fix or Customize Paper Lamp Shade


Fix or customize paper lamp shade:
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These paper lamp shades are not very durable and tend to rip easily and they mostly come in plain ivory paper.  This instruction will help you customize them or fix them if they are ripped.

I purchased this Sore paper lamp shade from Ikea AS IS department for less than $3.00.  After leaving it in the box at the business not sure how to customize it, the next time I went to pick it up I noticed some roaches had left their droppings on it.  When I went to clean it, it began to rip.  I had to find a quick solution.  I decided to use some mod podge and paper napkins to fix it.  I searched for some paper napkins but I did not find any I liked.  Then the thought came “why not use some paper patterns?”

Bright idea!  I had some old Simplicity  paper patterns for a skirt in the attic and I went and got it.  Follow these steps to customize paper lamp shade;

Items needed

  • Mod podge (matte finish)
  • Brush
  • Paper patterns or front layer of paper napkins
  • Water
  1. Put the metal frame into the shade so that it is stretched open.
  2. Rip some of the patterns or napkins into smaller pieces
  3. Pour some mod podge into a disposable cup and for each half cup of mod podge, add 2 table spoonfulls of water.
  4. Starting from the top, apply mod podge with the brush to a small section of the shade.
  5. Place a piece of the pattern or napkin on the glue and apply more mod podge on the piece and surrounding areas.
  6. Place another piece slightly overlapping part of the previous.
  7. Apply more mod podge and repeat the process, covering the lamp shade with the pattern or napkin.
  8. When you are about two thirds done, stop and allow it to dry completely.
  9. When dry, turn the shade over and continue the process from the bottom to where you left off slightly overlapping as you go.
  10. Allow to dry completely and you have a new lamp shade in your choice of color and design.
  11. Please note you can easily fold your new lamp shade to store away when you want to and it well reopen any time you want to use it again.
  12. Enjoy.

    Fix or Customize Paper Lamp Shade
